
I don't clearly understand - how Apple Pay works in case of online checkout via online store.

From my understanding: Prerequisites: 1) Card which will be used for payment should be added to Passbook. 2) During adding this card to passbook Apple device sends request with PAN to issuer and if verification is passed - format unique token, which is stored in AppleSecurity element.

When customer try to make purchase online via online store: 1) customer should switch the card, which will be used for payment 2) Store formats the request with total amount, shipping address and token, which is stored on Security element 3) Apple device sends request to AppleServer for payment authorization 4) After this store can executes additional logic (whatever)

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

But my question is - if existing system already uses tokenization service, payment gateway and payment processor - how it can be integrated with Apple Pay?


1 回答 1


您需要查看有关 Apple 的文档。您对 Apple Pay 工作方式的描述在第一部分是正确的,在第二部分是不正确的。Ray Wenderlich.com 上有一个很好的关于 Apple Pay的教程,展示了如何实现它。

以下是一般描述:在应用程序中,Apple Pay 只是支付详细信息的来源。该应用程序负责

  • 创建付款请求(包含行项目和总计)
  • 触发苹果支付界面
  • 检查任何运输细节
  • 联系后端或服务(Stripe 等)为特定购买创建令牌
  • 将成功的购买令牌发送到应用程序的服务器以记录购买

因此需要两个令牌:一个用于用户的付款详情(卡),另一个用于实际购买。简单来说,Apple Pay 负责生成第一个,而 app + some service 负责生成第二个。

于 2015-04-24T18:00:46.117 回答