我正在尝试使用 python 将分数和名称的变量打印到 .txt 文件中。
import random
import csv
import operator
import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.now() ## gets the exact time of when the user begins the test.
def main():
global myRecord
myRecord = []
name = getNames()
record = quiz()
def getNames(): ## this function grabs first and lastname of the user
firstName = input ("Please enter your first name") ## asks for users name
surName = input("Please enter your surname") ## asks for users suername
space = " "
fullName = firstName + space +surName ## puts data of name together to make full name
print (fullName)
return fullName ## this is a variable returned to main
def quiz():
print('Welcome. This is a 10 question math quiz\n')
score = 0 ## sets score to 0.
for i in range(10): ## repeats question 10 times
correct = askQuestion()## if the statement above if correct the program asks a question.
if correct:
score += 1## adds one to the score
print('Correct!\n')## prints correct if the user gets a question correct.
print('Incorrect!\n') ## prints incorrect if the user gets a question wrong.
return 'Your score was {}/10'.format(score)
def randomCalc():
ops = {'+':operator.add, ## selects one of the three operators
'-':operator.sub, ## selects one of the three operators
'*':operator.mul,} ## selects one of the three operators
num1 = random.randint(0,12) ## samples a number between 0 and 12
num2 = random.randint(1,10) ## zero are not used to stop diving by zero
op = random.choice(list(ops.keys()))
answer = ops.get(op)(num1,num2)
print('What is {} {} {}?\n'.format(num1, op, num2)) ## puts together the num1, the operator and num2 to form question
return answer
def askQuestion():
answer = randomCalc()
guess = float(input())
return guess == answer
def myfileWrite (myrecord):
with open('Namescore.txt', 'w') as score:
score.write(fullName + '\n')
这是它应该询问用户姓名的完整代码,打印 10 道数学问题,然后将时间名称和分数保存到 txt 文件中,如果您可以提供帮助,请非常感谢