I'm currently working on making a spare Raspberry Pi into a headless BitTorrent box, using Deluge.
Most guides on setting up Deluge on Linux include a custom startup script that will be run at boot. However, when you're SSH'd into the Pi, you can start the deluged daemon by simply typing in "deluged".
However, when I wrote a basic bash script which ran this command, put it in /etc/init.d/ and added it using update-rc.d, it didn't work.
nano /etc/init.d/startdeluged.sh
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/startdeluged.sh
update-rc.d startdeluged.sh defaults
The bash script contained this:
I'm new to setting up startup scripts on Linux, and I'm just wondering why a special script is necessary when simply running a command in the Terminal has the same effect. Does it have anything to do with the user who is entering the command?