我正在使用PayumBundle将 Stripe 支付网关集成到我的 symfony2 应用程序中。我可以创建一个成功的直接付款,但是我不能创建一个经常性的。由于捆绑包的文档非常差。

我的问题是如何使用 PayumBundle 或任何类似的方式为客户实施定期付款。


1 回答 1


I manage to do a small combination between PayumBundle & Stripe-php as following:

 * @Extra\Route(
 *   "/prepare_checkout",
 *   name="mycom_stripe_prepare_checkout"
 * )
 * @Extra\Template("MYCOMStripeBundle:PurchaseExamples:prepareCheckout.html.twig")
public function prepareCheckoutAction(Request $request) {
    $paymentName = 'subscribe_guardia_via_stripe_checkout';

    $storage = $this->getPayum()->getStorage('MYCOM\PaymentBundle\Entity\PaymentDetails');

    /** @var $details PaymentDetails */
    $details = $storage->create();
    $details["amount"] = 85 * 100;
    $details["currency"] = 'USD';
    $details["description"] = "Bi-Annual Subs.";

    if ($request->isMethod('POST') && $request->request->get('stripeToken')) {
        // create a new customer and assign a plan for him
        $customer = \Stripe_Customer::create([
                    'description' => 'amr samy',
                    'source' => $request->request->get('stripeToken'),
                    'plan' => 'C1',

        $details["customer"] = $customer->id;
        $storage->update($details); // presist the customer and the payment

        $captureToken = $this->getTokenFactory()->createToken(
                $paymentName, $details, 'mycom_subscription_create_stripe_recurring_payment'

        return $this->redirect($captureToken->getTargetUrl());

    return array(
        'publishable_key' => $this->container->getParameter('stripe.publishable_key'),
        'model' => $details,
        'paymentName' => $paymentName

The only issue i am facing is if use createCaptureToken() it shows Checkout Payment Form again, hence i used createToken() instead, however gain i face another issue which is the status of the transaction is new.

于 2015-03-23T12:00:58.203 回答