我正在尝试使用 StackedColumnSeries 创建一个 xamDataChart。在我的用例中,我需要能够创建可变数量的 StackedColumnSeries 和 StackedFragmentSeries,所以我在后面的代码中创建所有内容。StackedColumnSeries ItemsSource 设置为字典列表。如果字典有十进制值,一切正常。但是我需要它们具有对象值并从该对象中获取最终值。而且我做错了,图表只是显示为空,因此 ValueMemberPath 一定不能正常工作。


var window = new Window() { Width = 600, Height = 400, WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen };
var chart = new XamDataChart();

Axis xAxis = new CategoryXAxis() { ItemsSource = new List<string> { "First", "Second" } };
Axis yAxis = new NumericYAxis() { MinimumValue = 0, MaximumValue = 1000 };

// Trying to fetch chart fragment values from value member's property: Does not work.
var testItems = new List<Dictionary<string, TestPoint>>();
var stackedSeries = new StackedColumnSeries() { ItemsSource = testItems, XAxis = xAxis as CategoryXAxis, YAxis = yAxis as NumericYAxis };
stackedSeries.Series.Add(new StackedFragmentSeries() { ValueMemberPath = "[Serie1].PointValue" });
stackedSeries.Series.Add(new StackedFragmentSeries() { ValueMemberPath = "[Serie2].PointValue" });
testItems.Add(new Dictionary<string, TestPoint>() { { "Serie1", new TestPoint(100) }, { "Serie2", new TestPoint(200) } });
testItems.Add(new Dictionary<string, TestPoint>() { { "Serie1", new TestPoint(300) }, { "Serie2", new TestPoint(400) } });

// Value member is decimal and using it directly, works fine.
//var testItems = new List<Dictionary<string, decimal>>();
//var stackedSeries = new StackedColumnSeries() { ItemsSource = testItems, XAxis = xAxis as CategoryXAxis, YAxis = yAxis as NumericYAxis };
//stackedSeries.Series.Add(new StackedFragmentSeries() { ValueMemberPath = "[Serie1]" });
//stackedSeries.Series.Add(new StackedFragmentSeries() { ValueMemberPath = "[Serie2]" });
//testItems.Add(new Dictionary<string, decimal>() { { "Serie1", 100 }, { "Serie2", 200 } });
//testItems.Add(new Dictionary<string, decimal>() { { "Serie1", 300 }, { "Serie2", 400 } });

window.Content = chart;

上面示例中使用的 TestPoint 类:

class TestPoint
    public decimal PointValue { get; set; }

    public TestPoint (decimal value)
        PointValue = value;

我使用的是 Infragistics 14.2 版(Infragistics 13.1 上没有出现问题)。


1 回答 1


我通过将 ValueMemberPath 从更改ValueMemberPath = "[Serie1].PointValue"ValueMemberPath = "[Serie1][PointValue]".

于 2015-03-23T08:09:36.367 回答