我试图在 Coq的“Practical Coinduction”中证明第一个例子。第一个例子是证明无限整数流上的字典顺序是可传递的。
我无法制定证明来绕过Guardedness 条件
Require Import Omega.
Section stream.
Variable A:Set.
CoInductive Stream : Set :=
| Cons : A -> Stream -> Stream.
Definition head (s : Stream) :=
match s with Cons a s' => a end.
Definition tail (s : Stream) :=
match s with Cons a s' => s' end.
Lemma cons_ht: forall s, Cons (head s) (tail s) = s.
intros. destruct s. reflexivity. Qed.
End stream.
Implicit Arguments Cons [A].
Implicit Arguments head [A].
Implicit Arguments tail [A].
Implicit Arguments cons_ht [A].
CoInductive lex s1 s2 : Prop :=
is_le : head s1 <= head s2 ->
(head s1 = head s2 -> lex (tail s1) (tail s2)) ->
lex s1 s2.
Lemma lex_helper: forall s1 s2,
head s1 = head s2 ->
lex (Cons (head s1) (tail s1)) (Cons (head s2) (tail s2)) ->
lex (tail s1) (tail s2).
Proof. intros; inversion H0; auto. Qed.
Lemma lex_lemma : forall s1 s2 s3, lex s1 s2 -> lex s2 s3 -> lex s1 s3.
intros s1 s2 s3 lex12 lex23.
rewrite <- (cons_ht s1).
rewrite <- (cons_ht s3).
assert (head s1 <= head s3) by (inversion lex12; inversion lex23; omega).
apply is_le; auto.
simpl; intros. inversion lex12; inversion lex23.
assert (head s2 = head s1) by omega.
rewrite <- H0, H5 in *.
assert (lex (tail s1) (tail s2)) by (auto).
assert (lex (tail s2) (tail s3)) by (auto).
apply lex_helper.
repeat rewrite cons_ht.
- 编辑
Lemma lex_lemma : forall s1 s2 s3, lex s1 s2 -> lex s2 s3 -> lex s1 s3.
intros s1 s2 s3 lex12 lex23.
inversion lex12; inversion lex23.
rewrite <- (cons_ht s1).
rewrite <- (cons_ht s3).
constructor; simpl.
inversion lex12; inversion lex23; omega.
intros; eapply lex_lemma; [apply H0 | apply H2]; omega.
引理来“扩展” s1
这里 (with head
and )的定义tail
更接近于Practical Coinduction中的逐字表述。Arthur 使用了一种更优雅的技术,它使 Coq 自动扩展值 - 更好!