[Mar 17 13:33:03] WARNING[657] acl.c: Cannot create socket
[Mar 17 13:33:03] ERROR[657] rtp.c: Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files
[Mar 17 13:33:03] ERROR[657] rtp.c: Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files
[Mar 17 13:33:03] WARNING[657] chan_sip.c: Unable to create RTP audio and video session: Too many open files
[Mar 17 13:33:32] WARNING[657] channel.c: Channel allocation failed: Can't create alert pipe!
[Mar 17 13:33:32] WARNING[657] chan_sip.c: Unable to allocate AST channel structure for SIP channel
[Mar 17 13:33:32] NOTICE[657] chan_sip.c: Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE
我给出了很高的 ulimit 值,但仍然出现问题。谁能知道这个问题是如何出现的以及如何阻止它。