一般来说,我对 sql 的经验并不丰富,我正在尝试完成一项非常具体的任务——我想首先运行一个查询以获取我所有命中次数最多的单元的 ID,然后从该运行中获取再次获取特定时间段内这些 ID 的所有命中类型的消息和计数。对于第一个查询,我有这个:

SELECT entity, count(entity) as Count
from plugin_status_alerts
where entered BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL '14 days' AND now()
group by entity
order by count(entity) DESC
limit 10




SELECT status_code, entity, COUNT(status_code) statusCount
FROM plugin_status_alerts
where updated BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL '14 days' AND now() AND entity IN 
(SELECT id.entity, count(id.entity) as Count
from plugin_status_alerts id
where id.updated BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL '14 days' AND now()
group by id.entity
order by count(id.entity) DESC
limit 10
GROUP BY status_code, entity


ERROR: subquery has too many columns

我不确定这是否是我应该走的路线,或者我是否应该尝试自我加入 - 无论哪种方式都不确定如何纠正现在发生的事情。


2 回答 2


使用 aJOIN而不是IN (subquery). 这通常更快,如果需要,您可以使用子查询中的其他值(例如 per 的总计数entity):

SELECT entity, status_code, count(*) AS status_ct
   SELECT entity  -- not adding count since you don't use it, but you could
   FROM   plugin_status_alerts
   WHERE  entered BETWEEN now() - interval '14 days' AND now()
   GROUP  BY entitiy
   ORDER  BY count(*) DESC, entitiy  -- as tie breaker to get stable result
   LIMIT  10
   ) sub
JOIN   plugin_status_alerts USING (entity)
WHERE  updated BETWEEN now() - interval '14 days' AND now()
GROUP  BY 1, 2;


  • 如果您没有未来的设计条目,您可以简化:

    WHERE  entered > now() - interval '14 days'
  • entity由于子查询只返回一个列USING

  • LIMIT 10你按计数排序后很可能会模棱两可。多行可以并列第 10 行。如果没有 中的其他项目ORDER BY,Postgres 会返回任意选择,这可能会也可能不会。但是查询的结果可以在调用之间发生变化,而不会对基础数据进行任何更改。通常,这是不可取的,您应该将列或表达式添加到列表中以打破关系

  • count(*)比做同样的事情要快一点count(status_code)- 除非status_code可以为 null,在这种情况下,您将获得0该行的计数(count()从不返回 null)而不是实际的行计数,这要么是无用的,要么是错误的。在这里使用count(*)任何一种方式。

  • GROUP BY 1, 2只是语法简写。细节:

于 2015-03-18T03:29:48.317 回答


SELECT status_code, entity, COUNT(status_code) statusCount
FROM plugin_status_alerts
where updated BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL '14 days' AND now() 
AND entity IN (
    SELECT id.entity
    from plugin_status_alerts id
    where id.updated BETWEEN now() - INTERVAL '14 days' AND now()
    group by id.entity
    order by count(id.entity) DESC
    limit 10
GROUP BY status_code, entity


于 2015-03-17T23:14:15.960 回答