
Our organization is currently using sonarqube to fail a SCM triggered automated builds. Right now, our quality gate is firing when there are any open or reopened issues (with the understanding that someone needs to fix or "accept" the issue before the build will continue). Unfortunately, there are concerns that we are delaying code propagation for code formatting issues and other very minor offenses. Also, this is requiring quite a bit more manual intervention than we originally expected.

We want certain classes of issues to trigger a build failure, but the "new issues" filter only fire once. on the subsequent automated build they are no longer new so they no longer fire the gate.

Is there anyway to set up the equivalent to "Break the build if there are more than 0 open/reopened breaking/critical issues."?

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention that we have about 15k "confirmed" issues that is serving as our backlog. so the non-new issue filters wont work either. Also I am open to minor changes to our workflow.


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于 2015-03-18T12:22:32.510 回答