我正在测试一个InfiniteScroll 组件,但是遇到了这个奇怪的问题;querySelector('html, body')不具有上述方法所期望的属性(例如 , , , clientHeight,innerHeightquerySelector),但具有我怀疑来自.styleaddEventListener_readOnly_tagName_created_ownerDocumentjsdom

querySelector('html, body')在测试套件中运行它来滚动浏览器。document.querySelector这是测试套件中的一个片段:

var body = document.querySelector('html, body');
console.log(body); // Object properties I do not expect
console.log(body.scrollTop); // => undefined 

这是InfiniteScroll 组件的代码:

import React from 'react';

import timeout from '../../utils/timeout';

var _promise = null; // Promise flag
var _body = document.body;

var InfiniteScroll = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
     * Flag to check if the callback should be executed
     * once the threshold / bottom has been reached.
     * @default false
    disabled: React.PropTypes.bool,

     * The callback to be executed once the
     * threshold / bottom has been reached
    callback: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,

     * Allowance to be scrolled, so callback is executed
     * although not actually at the bottom
     * * @default 250
    threshold: React.PropTypes.number,

     * Number of milliseconds to delay the execution
     * of the callback.
     * @default 250
    throttle: React.PropTypes.number

   * Some property defaults
  getDefaultProps() {
    return { disabled: false, threshold: 250, throttle: 250 };

   * Run `forceUpdate` when the window
   * resizes, so the bottom is still properly calculated
  componentDidMount() {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', this._handleScroll, false);
    window.addEventListener('onresize', this._handleWindowResize);

   * Unmount our `forceUpdate` bind
  componentWillUnmount() {
    window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._handleScroll);
    window.removeEventListener('onresize', this._handleWindowResize);

   * Handles our window resize. This function
   * simply executes `forceUpdate`
  _handleWindowResize(evt) {

  render() {
    var { disabled, callback, threshold, throttle, ...other } = this.props;    

    return (
      <div {...other}>

   * Handles infinite scrolling accordingly
  _handleScroll(evt) {
    var { callback, disabled, threshold, throttle } = this.props;

    var height = _body.clientHeight;
    var scroll = _body.scrollTop;
    var bottom = _body.scrollHeight;

    if ( disabled === true || _promise !== null || scroll + threshold < bottom - height ) {

    _promise = timeout(throttle).then(() => {
      // We should be using `finally`, but es6-promise unfortunately
      // does not support this. Since we're not actually doing any
      // async code (and which could fail), let's just use then. Overhead
      // just to be arrogant
      Promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => { _promise = null; });

export default InfiniteScroll;



1 回答 1


当您这样做时document.querySelector('html, body'),您要求的是与选择器匹配的第一个节点集html, bodyDOM 树<html>中的第一个或<body>节点




于 2015-03-16T15:36:35.417 回答