我正在尝试为我客户的 Web 应用程序设置邮件服务器。

基于 CentOS/Postfix 的邮件服务器在 DigitalCocean 的专用 VPS 上运行。

SPF 记录:检查 DKIM (openDKIM):检查清理专用 IP:检查清理域:检查

GMail、Yahoo、Zoho Mail、GMX/mail.com、Yandex Mail - 绝对没有问题,所有电子邮件都会发送到收件箱。

但是,当发送给 AOL 和 Live/Outlook/Hotmail 用户时,它会变成垃圾邮件。我尝试了所有类型的内容:带有几句话的纯文本电子邮件、富含 HTML 的电子邮件以及介于两者之间的所有内容。该问题似乎与电子邮件内容无关。

微软的支持并没有太大帮助,因为他们基本上我们的服务器似乎很好,而且他们不知道有什么东西可以触发他们的 SmartScreen 安全性。

有什么想法吗 ?


2 回答 2


I had similar problem a while ago, in my case with AOL and Yahoo. The background was, that because of a failing mail server we needed a new one quickly.

This new mailserver became available before the appropriate DNS entries, especially the reverse DNS entry, were propagated. Obviously this led to the mail server being blocked by those providers. So checking the reverse DNS entry today does not guarantee an error in the past didn't cause this.

Besides what I learned on this occasion is, that all of those providers don't seem to reevaluate banned mail servers. Once you are on the black list, you stay there for quite a long time. As our first mail server could luckily be restored, we could check from time to time what AOL and Yahoo would do with the new one (second MX). Mail were blocked for two months, despite the mail server being configured with DKIM etc. until we formally applied to be removed from the blacklist - which took another 2 days.

With AOL you should use the appropriate from for applying to be removed from their blacklist; suppose Hotmail has something similar.

于 2015-03-17T13:01:42.120 回答

在使用新服务器向 MS 帐户发送电子邮件之前,您应确保遵守所有 ms Outlook 技术指南和政策(如 SNDS),您的所有电子邮件都应使用 spf 和 dkim 签名进行身份验证。这是一篇详细的文章:政策、实践和指南




这是一个完整的黑名单检查的好例子。 发送邮件服务器的完整 IP 检查
还尝试从 Outlook.com 交付能力支持中删除您的 IP 地址


于 2015-07-30T18:51:51.593 回答