我正在使用 Omap3515(Arm Cortex A8)。启用 I-Cache、D-Cache、分支预测和 MMU。

如果我尝试将 600KB 的帧缓冲区从外部存储器区域复制到另一个外部存储器区域,我也会中止数据。
(如果我复制 100KB 少则没有中止。甚至有时复制 400KB 也没有数据中止。)数据中止后,我可以注意到 SDR 即 SDRAM 不可访问。

我以 PA=VA 的方式启用了 MMU。

如果我禁用 D-Cache,则不会中止并且工作正常。但我想启用 D-Cache 以加快访问速度。


            .sect     EntryOnReset

;//         Module Imports and exports          
            .global   ResetHandler
            .global   RelocateImage
            .global   OasysEntry
            .global   BoardInit
            .global    __stack
            .global   __STACK_SIZE
  .global   NEONCopyPLD
  .global   EnableCaches
  .global   DisableCaches
  .global   MemmoryTest
            .global   core_init

;// Stack Size Definition.
UND_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00000100
SVC_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00001000      ;//Only main function stack is to be mentioned here.
ABT_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00000100
FIQ_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00000100
IRQ_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00000100
USR_Stack_Size  .EQU     0x00000100
;//                                EQUATES
;// Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
Mode_USR        .EQU     0x10
Mode_FIQ        .EQU     0x11
Mode_IRQ        .EQU     0x12
Mode_SVC        .EQU     0x13
Mode_ABT        .EQU     0x17
Mode_UND        .EQU     0x1B
Mode_SYS        .EQU     0x1F
I_Bit           .EQU     0x80            ;// when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
F_Bit           .EQU     0x40            ;// when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled
;//                                EQUATES
FIQ_IRQ_DISABLE .EQU  0xC0               ;//Disable both FIQ and IRQ.

;//                             CODE GENERATION DIRECTIVES
;// Area Definition and Entry Point
;// Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.
;// Routine name    : ENTRY
;// Description     : Entry point for software.
;// Assumptions     : <none>
;// Tainted registers  :  <none>
;//  Functions called  :
;// Low level
;// Requirements       :
;//    1. This routine shall initialize the Stack pointer.
;//    2. This routine shall perform architecture specific
;//       initializations by calling InitCPU routine.

; Enable access to NEON/VFP by enabling access to Coprocessors 10 and 11.
; Enables Full Access i.e. in both privileged and non privileged modes
        MRC     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #2      ; Read Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR)
        ORR     r0, r0, #(0xF << 20)       ; Enable access to CP 10 & 11
        MCR     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #2      ; Write Coprocessor Access Control Register (CPACR)
; Switch on the VFP and NEON hardware
        MOV     r0, #0x40000000
        VMSR    FPEXC, r0                   ; Write FPEXC register, EN bit set

    ;@ Disable MMU.
    MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Read Control Register configuration data.
    BIC r1, r1, #0x1
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Write Control Register configuration data.

    ;@ Disable L1 Caches.
    MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Read Control Register configuration data.
    BIC r1, r1, #(0x1 << 12)                                ;@ Disable I Cache.
    BIC r1, r1, #(0x1 << 2)                                 ;@ Disable D Cache.
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Write Control Register configuration data

    ;@ Invalidate L1 Caches.
    ;@ Invalidate Instruction cache.
    MOV r1, #0
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c7, c5, #0

    ;@ Invalidate Data cache.
    ;@ To make the code general purpose, calculate the
    ;@ cache size first and loop through each set + way.

    MRC p15, #1, r0, c0, c0, #0                               ;@ Read Cache Size ID.
;TBR LDR r3, #0x1FF
    MOV r3, #0x1FF
    AND r0, r3, r0, LSR #13                                 ;@ r0 = no. of sets - 1.

    MOV r1, #0                              ;@ r1 = way counter way_loop.
    MOV r3, #0                              ;@ r3 = set counter set_loop.
    MOV r2, r1, LSL #30
;TBR ORR r2, r3, LSL #5                              ;@ r2 = set/way cache operation format.
    ORR r2, r2, r3, LSL #5                              ;@ r2 = set/way cache operation format.
    MCR p15, #0, r2, c7, c6, #2                               ;@ Invalidate the line described by r2.
    ADD r3, r3, #1                              ;@ Increment set counter.
    CMP r0, r3                              ;@ Last set reached yet?
    BGT set_loop                                ;@ If not, iterate set_loop,
    ADD r1, r1, #1                              ;@ else, next.
    CMP r1, #4                              ;@ Last way reached yet?
    BNE way_loop                                ;@ if not, iterate way_loop.

    ;@ Invalidate TLB
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c8, c7, #0

    ;@ Branch Prediction Enable.
    MOV r1, #0
    MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Read Control Register configuration data.
    ORR r1, r1, #(0x1 << 11)                                ;@ Global BP Enable bit.
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                               ;@ Write Control Register configuration data.

    ;@ Enable D-side Prefetch
    MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #1                               ;@ Read Auxiliary Control Register.
    ORR r1, r1, #(0x1 <<2)                              ;@ Enable D-side prefetch.
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #1;                              ;@ Write Auxiliary Control Register.
    ;@ DSB causes completion of all cache maintenance operations appearing in program
    ;@ order before the DSB instruction.
    ;@ An ISB instruction causes the effect of all branch predictor maintenance
    ;@ operations before the ISB instruction to be visible to all instructions
    ;@ after the ISB instruction.
    ;@ Initialize PageTable.

    ;@ It would be faster to create this in a read-only section in an assembly file.

                                                    ;@ descriptor.
    LDR r1, tlb_l1_base
    MOV r2, #0
    MOV r4, #1
    MOV r0, #0x0E
    ORR r0, r0, r4, LSL #0xA
    ORR r0, r0, r4, LSL #0xB
    ORR r0, r0, r2, LSL #20
    STR r0, [r1]
    ADD r1, r1, #4
    ADD r2, r2, #1                                 ;@ Decrement loop counter.
    SUBS r3, r2, #4096
    BNE write_pte

    ;@ Initialize MMU.
    MOV r1,#0x0
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c2, c0, #2                               ;@ Write Translation Table Base Control Register.
    LDR r1, tlb_l1_base
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c2, c0, #0                               ;@ Write Translation Table Base Register 0.

    ;@ In this simple example, do not use TRE or Normal Memory Remap Register.
    ;@ Set all Domains to Manger.
    MOV r1, #0xFFFF             ; Provied Manager access, so access premition bits (AP) shall not be checked.
    ORR r1, r1, r1, LSL #0x10
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c3, c0, #0                                   ;@ Write Domain Access Control Register.

    ;@ Enable MMU
    MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                                   ;@ Read Control Register configuration data.
    ORR r1, r1, #0x1                                    ;@ Bit 0 is the MMU enable.
    MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #0                                   ;@ Write Control Register configuration data.

tlb_l1_base .word 0x40200000

;//                              SETUP STACK POINTERS FOR USR MODE
  LDR     sp, c_stack
  LDR     r0, c_STACK_SIZE
  ADD     sp, sp, r0
;* Clear upper 3 bits for 64-bit alignment.
  BIC     sp, sp, #0x07

  ;// Set IRQ and FIQ bits in CPSR to disable all interrupts.
  MRS     R0, CPSR
  STMFD   SP!, {R0}                   ;// Store it onto stack
  MSR     CPSR_c, R1

;//                              SETUP STACK FOR OTHER MODES
  MOV     R0, SP
;//  Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_UND|I_Bit|F_Bit
        MOV     SP, R0
        SUB     R0, R0, #UND_Stack_Size

;//  Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT|I_Bit|F_Bit
        MOV     SP, R0
        SUB     R0, R0, #ABT_Stack_Size

;//  Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ|I_Bit|F_Bit
        MOV     SP, R0
        SUB     R0, R0, #FIQ_Stack_Size

;//  Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ|I_Bit|F_Bit
        MOV     SP, R0
        SUB     R0, R0, #IRQ_Stack_Size

;//  Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer
        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC|I_Bit|F_Bit
        MOV     SP, R0
        SUB     R0, R0, #SVC_Stack_Size

        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC|I_Bit

;//                                   MOVE TO myfunc
;//  The following routine copies the loaded image to execution region.
                BL      RelocateImage
;//  The following routine initialises the Omap3515.
     BL BoardInit
;//  The following routine enaables the MMU.
                ;BL      EnableMMU
;//  The following routine enables the I cache.
                BL      EnableICaches
;//  The following routine enables branch prediction.
                BL      EnableBrachPrediction
;//  The following routine enables the D cache.
                BL      EnableDCaches
;//  The following routine enables the L2 cache.
                ;BL      EnableL2UnifiedCache
;//  The following routine starts the OS.
                BL      MemmoryTest

; Enable MMU and Branch to __main
; Leaving the caches disabled until after scatter loading.
    .global EnableMMU
;               c1, Control Register
;       [0] M bit Banked                  Enables the MMU:
;                                         0 = MMU disabled, reset value
;                                         1 = MMU enabled.
    ;Read the c1 register
    mrc p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0
    ;Set b1 - Enables the MMU
    orr r0, r0, #0x1
    ; Write back to c1 register to enable MMU
    mcr p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0
    BX      lr

    .global EnableICaches
;  This API enables instruction cache.
        MRC     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Read System Control Register
        ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 12)         ; Set I bit 12 to enable I Cache
        ;BIC   r0, r0, #(0x1  <<12)         ; Clear bit 0
        MCR     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Write System Control Register
        BX      lr

    .global EnableDCaches
;  This API enables data cache.
        MRC     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Read System Control Register
       ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 2)          ; Set C bit  2 to enable D Cache
       ;BIC   r0, r0, #(0x1  << 2)           ; Clear bit 0              
       ;BIC     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 1)          ; disable alignment checks
        MCR     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Write System Control Register
        BX      lr

    .global EnableL2UnifiedCache
; Enable Cortex-A8 Level2 Unified Cache
        MRC     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #1      ; Read Auxiliary Control Register
        ORR     r0, r0, #2                     ; L2EN bit, enable L2 cache
        ;BIC   r0, r0, #(0x1  << 1)         ; L2EN bit, disable L2 cache
        ;ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1  << 4)        ;Enables speculative accesses on AXI
        ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1  << 4)        ;Enables speculative accesses on AXI
        ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1  << 5)        ;Enables caching NEON data within the L1 data cache
        MCR     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #1      ; Write Auxiliary Control Register
        BX      lr

    .global EnableBrachPrediction
;  This API enables branch prediction
        MRC     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Read System Control Register
        ORR     r0, r0, #(0x1 << 11)        ; Set Z bit 11 to enable branch prediction
        ;BIC    r0, r0, #(0x1  << 11)       ; Disable all forms of branch prediction
        MCR     p15, #0, r0, c1, c0, #0      ; Write System Control Register
        BX      lr

c_stack:        .long   __stack
c_STACK_SIZE:   .long   __STACK_SIZE
;//                                POINTERS TO VARIABLES
;    ENDIF


谢谢和问候, 克里什


1 回答 1


Cortex-A 缓存通常写入分配,因此写入成功,并且只有在缓存线被驱逐时才会“延迟”出错。我猜你的页表设置不正确。

如果查看 DFAR 和 DFSR(数据故障状态寄存器和数据故障地址寄存器),您应该会获得有关故障和触发地址的更具体信息。

于 2015-03-30T21:44:43.060 回答