我正在尝试将一个经常变化的句子放入几个 jlabels 中。我的 3 个 jlabels 的宽度一直保持不变。我正在做的是更改字体大小,以便所有字符都可以适应而不会超出标签的显示范围。我所做的是在更改句子时调用下面的代码片段。
String sentence = "Some long sentence";
int SentenceLength = sentence.length();
int FontSize = 0;
// sum of widths of the three labels
int TotalLblLength=lbl_0ValueInWords.getWidth()+lbl_1ValueInWords.getWidth()+lbl_1ValueInWords.getWidth();
/*decide the font size so that all the characters can be displayed
with out exceeding the display renge(horizontal) of the 3 labels
Inconsolata -> monopace font
font size == width of the font*2 (something I observed, not sure
if this is true always) */
// max font size is 20 - based on label height
lbl_0ValueInWords.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Inconsolata", 0,FontSize));
lbl_1ValueInWords.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Inconsolata", 0,FontSize));
lbl_2ValueInWords.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Inconsolata", 0,FontSize));
int CharCount_lbl0 = width_lbl0 / (FontSize / 2);
int CharCount_lbl1 = width_lbl1 / (FontSize / 2);
int CharsCount_lbl2 = width_lbl2 / (FontSize / 2);
/*Set texts of each label
if sentence has more than the number of characters that can fit in the
1st label, excessive characters are moved to the 2nd label. same goes
for the 2nd and 3rd labels*/
if (SentenceLength > CharCount_lbl0) {
lbl_0ValueInWords.setText(sentence.substring(0, CharCount_lbl0));
if (SentenceLength > CharCount_lbl0 + CharCount_lbl1) {
lbl_1ValueInWords.setText(sentence.substring(CharCount_lbl0, CharCount_lbl0 + CharCount_lbl1));
lbl_2ValueInWords.setText(sentence.substring(CharCount_lbl0 + CharCount_lbl1, SentenceLength));
} else {
lbl_1ValueInWords.setText(sentence.substring(CharCount_lbl0, SentenceLength));
} else {
但即使在重置字体大小后,有时最后一个字符也会超出显示范围。我已经从可能导致这种情况的 jlabels 中删除了边距。这发生在随机长度的句子上。我可以通过减少用于计算的标签宽度来解决应用程序的问题(希望如此)