// This is the one I'm working with now that is causing all the trouble.
// Some, but not all methods in NewAbstract and OldAbstract overlap, so I
// used virtual inheritance.
class MyObject : virtual public NewAbstract, virtual public OldAbstract { ... }
// This is what it looked like before
class MyObject : public OldAbstract { ... }
// This is an example of most other classes that use the base interface
class NormalObject : public ISerializable
// The two abstract classes. They inherit from the same object.
class NewAbstract : public ISerializable { ... }
class OldAbstract : public ISerializable { ... }
// A factory object used to create instances of ISerializable objects.
template<class T> class Factory
virtual ISerializable* createObject() const
return static_cast<ISerializable*>(new T()); // current factory code
这个问题有关于不同类型的演员做什么的很好的信息,但它并没有帮助我弄清楚这种情况。使用 static_cast 和常规转换给我error C2594: 'static_cast': ambiguous conversions from 'MyObject *' to 'ISerializable *'
. 使用 dynamic_cast 会导致 createObject() 返回 NULL。NormalObject 样式类和旧版本的 MyObject 与工厂中现有的 static_cast 一起工作。