I have a articles blog like so:
(parent) Category: News
(child) article: news-1 written by author-tom
(child) article: news-2 written by author-bill
(parent) Category: Sports
(child) article: sports-4 written by author-bill
(child) article: sports-7 written by author-jack
(parent) Category: Weather
(child) article: weather-1 written by author-tom
(child) article: weather-3 written by author-jack
Author name is a template_variable. And for each article I input the author name manually.
The author names are clickable links. And what I want to achieve is that when a user clicks "author-bill", for example, that the user only sees ALL articles written by "author-bill", thus articles news-2 and sports-4. For "author-jack" the same (sports-7 and weather-3).
I cannot allocate a child to two different parents (i.e. to both the "news" category AND to "author-jack" for example...).
I am stuck in thinking about a feasible solution...