如果确实需要修改 EventSource 类,则应将更改限制为添加方法以支持新的日志消息,以及添加现有方法的重载(这将具有新的事件 ID)。您不应删除或更改现有方法的签名。
假设我有以下 EventSource 类:
[EventSource(Name = "Instrumentation")]
public class InstrumentationEventSource : EventSource {
private static readonly Lazy<InstrumentationEventSource> Singleton = new Lazy<InstrumentationEventSource>(() => new InstrumentationEventSource());
public static InstrumentationEventSource Log { get { return Singleton.Value; } }
private InstrumentationEventSource() {}
[Event(eventId: 901)]
public void EndPage(string url) {
WriteEvent(901, url);
然后我想添加对记录查询字符串的支持。我可以添加具有相同 ID 的重载方法吗?
[Event(eventId: 901)]
public void EndPage(string url) {
WriteEvent(901, url);
[Event(eventId: 901)]
public void EndPage(string url, string queryString) {
WriteEvent(901, url, queryString);
public class LogData {
public string url { get; set; }
// public string queryString { get; set; }
[Event(eventId: 901)]
public void EndPage(LogData data) {
WriteEvent(901, data);
// Or does the params object[] args parameter not support classes?
// WriteEvent(901, data.url);
// And this would have to be changed anyway?
// WriteEvent(901, data.url, data.queryString);
我不太确定 Event ID 适合这一切的位置,以及EventSource