In my project (kind of a screen saver) I have a main form and second form (PicView). I want to open many instances of the second form and display a picture in it. I can do that fine, but when I have opened e.g. 4 forms I would like to close the first before opening the next one so that the total number of forms stays at 4. The problem I have is that the closing routine does not know about the form instances and the debugger tells me to create a new instance, but I would like to use the existing ones. How can I make the form names visible to the main routine or do I need to pass reference to the created forms?
Private Sub btnTest_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
gsPic1 = "D:\My Stuff\411CANON\IMG_1161.JPG"
gsPic2 = "D:\My Stuff\411CANON\IMG_1167.JPG"
gsPic3 = "D:\My Stuff\411CANON\IMG_1174.JPG"
gsPic4 = "D:\My Stuff\411CANON\IMG_1178.JPG"
ScreenSavePicIndex(gsPic1, 1)
ScreenSavePicIndex(gsPic2, 2)
ScreenSavePicIndex(gsPic3, 3)
ScreenSavePicIndex(gsPic4, 4)
MsgBox("Now Closing 1")
MsgBox("Now Closing 3")
MsgBox("Now Closing 4")
End Sub
Private Sub CloseScreenSaverPic(ByVal iIndex As Integer)
Dim frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex) As PicView
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex) = New PicView
End Sub
Private Sub ScreenSavePicIndex(ByVal sFilePathandName As String, iIndex As Integer)
Dim iTargetHeight As Integer
Dim iTargetWidth As Integer
Dim dFactorHeight As Double
Dim dFactorWidth As Double
Dim objImage As System.Drawing.Image
objImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sFilePathandName)
Catch ex As Exception
objImage = Nothing
End Try
Dim frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex) As PicView
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex) = New PicView
Dim dFactor As Double
dFactor = 1
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
iTargetWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / giScreenSavePicSize
iTargetHeight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / giScreenSavePicSize
'Check if the pic is bigger than what we want to display
If objImage.Width > iTargetWidth Then
'if it is wider then we need to find out how much bigger it is by factor
dFactorWidth = iTargetWidth / objImage.Width
End If
If objImage.Height > iTargetHeight Then
'if it is higher then we need to find out how much bigger it is by factor
dFactorHeight = iTargetHeight / objImage.Height
End If
If dFactorWidth > dFactorHeight Then
dFactor = dFactorWidth
dFactor = dFactorHeight
End If
'Console.WriteLine("Factor is: " & dFactor)
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).Width = objImage.Width * dFactor
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).Height = objImage.Height * dFactor
Dim r As New Random()
Dim x As Integer = r.Next(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).Width)
Dim y As Integer = r.Next(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).Height)
Dim p As New Point(x, y)
'Console.WriteLine("Putting it at x= " & x & ", y= " & y)
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).Location = p
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).PictureBox1.ImageLocation = sFilePathandName
frmPicViewerScrSav(iIndex).PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
End Sub