This snippet is wrong:

    def bundleTo(dir: String) = Seq(
        mkBundles <<= (bundle, compile in Compile) map { (fl, anal) =>
            val flTarget = baseDirectory / s"app/$dir/${fl.getName}"

            if (!flTarget.exists()) {
                println("target did not exist copying over")
                IO.copyFile(fl, flTarget)
            } else if (anal.compilations.allCompilations.nonEmpty) {

                println("something was recompiled, copying over")
                IO.copyFile(fl, flTarget)
        mkBundles <<= mkBundles.triggeredBy(compile in Compile)

Specifically anal.compilations.allCompilations.nonEmpty. I'd like to move a plugin into a directory only if something has changed as it triggers a bundle reload.


1 回答 1


SBT 13.7 的此代码段将在源更改时触发内部关闭。在 SBT 代码库中可能有预卷逻辑。您可能需要 SBT 设置键更改和依赖项更新的失效逻辑。

myTask := {
    val us = (unmanagedSources in Compile).value
    val cd = streams.value.cacheDirectory / "osgi-recompile-cache"
    val func = FileFunction.cached(cd, FilesInfo.lastModified) { par: Set[File] =>

myTask <<= myTask.triggeredBy(compile in Compile)

充实了一个脚本来做我需要的事情。这里是 :

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import com.typesafe.sbt.osgi.OsgiKeys._

object OsgiDistUtils {
    lazy val rootDirectory = SettingKey[File]("the root of the entire build")
    lazy val distDirectoryName = SettingKey[String]("name for the dist directory")
    lazy val distdirectory = SettingKey[File]("derived location where the OSGI dist will be constructed")
    lazy val bundleDirectory = SettingKey[File]("location for the bundles")
    lazy val compileBundleAndMove = TaskKey[Unit]("make bundles if needed")

    val osgiDistUtildefaults = Seq(
        distDirectoryName := "app",
        distdirectory := rootDirectory.value / distDirectoryName.value,
        compileBundleAndMove := {
            val targetDirectory = bundleDirectory.value
            val moduleName = name.value
            val bundleFile = bundle.value
            val s = streams.value
            val targetFile = targetDirectory / bundleFile.getName

            if(!targetDirectory.exists()) {
            } else if(!targetFile.exists()) {
                s.log.info(s"module $moduleName did not exist in dist, copying over.")
                IO.copyFile(bundleFile, targetFile)
            } else {
                val sources = (unmanagedSources in Compile).value
                val cp = (managedClasspath in Compile).value
                val cd = s.cacheDirectory / "osgi-recompile-cache"
                FileFunction.cached(cd, FilesInfo.lastModified) { sources: Set[File] =>
                    s.log.info(s"Recompiling $moduleName as sources or classpath have changed.")
                    IO.copyFile(bundleFile, targetFile)
                } (sources.toSet ++ cp.seq.map(_.data).toSet)
        compileBundleAndMove <<= compileBundleAndMove.triggeredBy(compile in Compile)

    def createModuleGroup(base: File, name: String, aggregatorSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]], moduleSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]], projectDeps: Array[Project] = Array()) = {
        val moduleRoot = base / name

        val modules = for (x <- moduleRoot.listFiles if x.isDirectory && x.getName != "target") yield {
                id = name + "-%s".format(x.getName).replace(".", "-"),
                base = x,
                settings = moduleSettings ++ osgiDistUtildefaults ++ Seq(
                    bundleDirectory := (distdirectory / name).value
            ).dependsOn(projectDeps.map(x=> ClasspathDependency(x,Some("compile"))):_*)

        val moduleRefs = modules.map { x =>

        val aggregationNode = Project(
            id = name,
            base = moduleRoot,
            settings = aggregatorSettings
        ).aggregate(moduleRefs: _*)

        (aggregationNode, modules)
于 2015-03-16T10:49:50.310 回答