I am running R 3.1.2 on a headless Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian. Packages install fine, but I can't save PNGs. After googling the error for a long time, I found this response, which says I need to "manually recompile R with explicit PNG support."

I apologize if this is a basic question, but how do I recompile R with PNG support? If it's helpful, this is how I installed in the first place. Thanks in advance!


2 回答 2


说什么capabilities()["png"]?我怀疑它说TRUE,因为我认为您的 Raspian 软件包不应该遵循 R 源默认值和 Debian 软件包默认值的标准配置。

于 2015-03-14T21:48:30.337 回答

感谢@Dirk,他正确地将其诊断为在 pi 上无头运行 R 的问题,我通过混合以前帖子的答案找到了解决方案:


于 2015-03-15T18:26:11.250 回答