
- Returns the next value in the ordered finite set.
- Returns Nothing if the input element is the last element in the set. 
incr : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)

- Returns the previous value in the ordered finite set.
- Returns Nothing if the input element is the first element in the set.
decr : Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)

Nat用于索引到Vect n. 我怎样才能实现incrdecrFin甚至是正确的选择吗?


1 回答 1


我想最简单的方法是使用一些标准的 Fin↔Nat 转换函数Data.Fin

incr, decr : {n : Nat} -> Fin n -> Maybe (Fin n)
incr {n=n} f = natToFin (succ $ finToNat f) n

decr {n=n} f = case finToNat f of
    Z => Nothing
    S k => natToFin k n
于 2015-03-18T12:55:59.297 回答