I started down this path of wanting to do code analysis on my solution using msbuild. I was looking at FxCop but it appears to now be part of Visual Studio and from my understanding you need Visual Studio installed on your build agents.

I am calling msbuild from a powershell using the following command;

"$(get-content env:systemroot)\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe /tv:4.0 /p:RunCodeAnalysis=Always"

It appears to run the code analysis and output warnings but never fails the build, even after I added <CodeAnalysisTreatWarningsAsErrors>true</CodeAnalysisTreatWarningsAsErrors> to my .csproj file.

All I want is to run code analysis from msbuild command line and have it fail the build if any warning is found. I understand it can be done in Visual Studio but I need to be able to run this from the command line (with/without VS2013)

Am I missing something? Shouldn't /p:RunCodeAnalysis=Always and setting the CodeAnalysisTreatWarningsAsErrors to true be all that is needed?


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