在 Python 中加载 RDF 数据如下所示:
from rdflib import Graph
g = Graph()
g.parse("demo.nt", format="nt")
NT 解析器遵循使用“汇”(不是汇顶点)的范例来存储三元组,因为它们被解析。我相信您正在寻找的令牌实际上是三元组,因为默认的NT Parser 使用 NTriplesParser。
您可以使用与以下示例相同的方法来覆盖 NTSink。
此示例将加载一个测试 NT 格式的文件,然后print
from rdflib.plugins.parsers.ntriples import NTriplesParser, Sink
# The NTriplesParser is what is used for a format="nt" parsing as found:
# https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib/blob/395a40101fe133d97f454ee61da0fc748a93b007/rdflib/plugins/parsers/nt.py#L2
# Example NT file from:
# https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib/blob/395a40101fe133d97f454ee61da0fc748a93b007/test/nt/anons-01.nt
class StreamSink(Sink):
A sink is used to store the results of parsing, this almost matches the sink
example shown in ntriples:
def triple(self, s, p, o):
self.length += 1
print "Stream of triples s={s}, p={p}, o={o}".format(s=s, p=p, o=o)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a new parser and try to parse the example NT file.
n = NTriplesParser(StreamSink())
with open("./anons-01.nt", "r") as anons:
Stream of triples s=N33bb017ce2c340999d2aa6a071d79678, p=http://example.org/#p, o=http://example.org/#q
Stream of triples s=N33bb017ce2c340999d2aa6a071d79678, p=http://example.org/#r, o=http://example.org/#s
Stream of triples s=Nb8d195e0586f42c4bcc703be897c74fa, p=http://example.org/#p, o=http://example.org/#q
Stream of triples s=Nb8d195e0586f42c4bcc703be897c74fa, p=http://example.org/#r, o=N235a8c8b4f91453892da284cb0c490e0
Stream of triples s=N235a8c8b4f91453892da284cb0c490e0, p=http://example.org/#s, o=http://example.org/#t