template <template <typename ...> class P, typename ... Args>
void f(const P<Args...> &p)
std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n";
f(std::valarray<int>{}); // Prints: "Template with 1 parameters!"
f(std::pair<char, char>{}); // Prints: "Template with 2 parameters!"
f(std::set<float>{}); // Prints: "Template with 3 parameters!"
f(std::map<int, int>{}); // Prints: "Template with 4 parameters!"
template <>
void f<template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>(const P<A, B> &p)
std::cout << "Special case!\n";
parse error in template argument list
void f<template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>(const P<Args...> &p) { std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n"; }
'P' does not name a type
void f<template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>(const P<Args...> &p) { std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n"; }
expected ',' or '...' before '<' token
void f<template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>(const P<Args...> &p) { std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n"; }
template-id 'f<<expression error> >' for 'void f(int)' does not match any template declaration
void f<template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>(const P<Args...> &p) { std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n"; }
AFAIK 使用其他类型的模板参数非常简单:
// Type parameter
template <typename TYPE>
void f(TYPE) { std::cout << "Type!\n"; }
// Non-type parameter
template <int VALUE>
void f() { std::cout << "Value " << VALUE << "!\n"; }
// Type parameter specialization
template <>
void f(float) { std::cout << "Special type case!\n"; }
// Non-type parameter specialization
template <>
void f<666>() { static_assert(false, "Forbidden number!"); }
template <template <typename ...> class P, typename ... Args>
struct c
using type = P<Args...>;
const std::size_t count = sizeof...(Args);
void f(const type &t)
std::cout << "Template with " << sizeof...(Args) << " parameters!\n";
template <template <typename, typename> class P, typename A, typename B>
struct c<P, A, B>
using type = P<A, B>;
void f(const type &t)
std::cout << "Spezialized 2 parameters!\n";
c<std::valarray, int> c_valarray_int;
c<std::pair, int, char> c_pair_int_char;
c<std::vector, int, std::allocator<int>> c_vector_int;
c<std::map, int, int> c_map_int_int;
c_valarray_int.f({}); // Prints: "Template with 1 parameters!"
c_pair_int_char.f({}); // Prints: "Spezialized with 2 parameters!"
c_vector_int.f({}); // Prints: "Spezialized with 2 parameters!"
c_map_int_int.f({}); // Prints: "Template with 2 parameters!" (expected)