我在提交事务时遇到问题(使用 Access 2003 DAO)。就好像我从未调用过 BeginTrans 一样——我在 CommitTrans 上收到错误 3034,“您尝试在没有先开始事务的情况下提交或回滚事务”;并将更改写入数据库(可能是因为它们从未包装在事务中)。但是,如果您单步执行 BeginTrans ,则会运行它。
- 我使用 DBEngine(0) 工作区在 Access 环境中运行它。
- 我要添加记录的表都是通过 Jet 数据库连接(到同一个数据库)并使用 DAO.Recordset.AddNew / Update 打开的。
- 在启动 BeforeTrans 之前打开连接。
- 我在事务中间没有做任何奇怪的事情,比如关闭/打开连接或多个工作区等。
- 有两个嵌套事务级别。基本上它将多个插入包装在一个外部事务中,所以如果有任何失败,它们都会失败。内部事务运行没有错误,外部事务不起作用。
事务分布在几个方法中,BeginTrans 和 CommitTrans(和 Rollback)都在不同的地方。但是当我尝试以这种方式运行事务的简单测试时,这似乎并不重要。
我想当数据库连接超出本地范围时可能会关闭,即使我有另一个“全局”引用(老实说,我不确定 DAO 对 dbase 连接做了什么)。但情况似乎并非如此——就在提交之前,连接及其记录集是活动的(我可以检查它们的属性,EOF = False 等)
我的 CommitTrans 和 Rollback 在事件回调中完成。(基本上:解析器程序在解析结束时抛出一个“onLoad”事件,我通过提交或回滚我在处理过程中所做的插入来处理它,这取决于是否发生了任何错误。)但是,再次尝试一个简单的测试,这似乎并不重要。
编辑 5 月 25 日
- 工作区是 DBEngine(0),在公共(全局)变量中引用
。 - 数据库连接在下面的 LoadProcess.cache 中打开,见
Set db = APPSESSION.connectionTo(dbname_)
. - 在 LoadProcess.cache 中调用 BeginTrans。
- CommitTrans 在 process__onLoad 回调中被调用。
- 在 process__onInvalid 回调中调用回滚。
- 记录集更新在 process__onLoadRow、logLoadInit 和 logLoad 中完成
'Application globals
' Class LoadProcess
Private WithEvents process_ As EventedParser
Private errs_ As New Collection
Private dbname_ As String
Private rawtable_ As String
Private logtable_ As String
Private isInTrans_ As Integer
Private raw_ As DAO.Recordset
Private log_ As DAO.Recordset
Private logid_ As Variant
Public Sub run
'--- pre-load
resetOnRun ' resets load state variables per run, omitted here
Set process_ = New EventedParser
'--- load
End Sub
' raised once per load() if any row invalid
Public Sub process__onInvalid(filename As String)
If isInTrans_ Then APPSESSION.Workspace.Rollback
End Sub
' raised once per load() if all rows valid, after load
Public Sub process__onLoad(filename As String)
If errs_.Count > 0 Then
logLoadFail filename, errs_
logLoadOK filename
End If
If isInTrans_ Then APPSESSION.Workspace.CommitTrans
End Sub
' raised once per valid row
' append data to raw_ recordset
Public Sub process__onLoadRow(row As Dictionary)
On Error GoTo Err_
If raw_ Is Nothing Then GoTo Exit_
DAOext.appendFromHash raw_, row, , APPSESSION.Workspace
Exit Sub
' runtime error handling done here, code omitted
Resume Exit_
End Sub
Private Sub cache()
Dim db As DAO.Database
' TODO raise error
If Len(dbname_) = 0 Then GoTo Exit_
Set db = APPSESSION.connectionTo(dbname_)
' TODO raise error
If db Is Nothing Then GoTo Exit_
Set raw_ = db.OpenRecordset(rawtable_), dbOpenDynaset)
Set log_ = db.OpenRecordset(logtable_), dbOpenDynaset)
isInTrans_ = True
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
' Append initial record to log table
Private Sub logLoadInit()
Dim info As New Dictionary
On Error GoTo Err_
' TODO raise error?
If log_ Is Nothing Then GoTo Exit_
With info
.add "loadTime", Now
.add "loadBy", CurrentUser
End With
logid_ = DAOext.appendFromHash(log_, info, , APPSESSION.Workspace)
Exit Sub
' runtime error handling done here, code omitted
Resume Exit_
End Sub
Private Sub logLoadOK(filename As String)
logLoad logid_, True, filename, New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub logLoadFail(filename As String, _
errs As Collection)
logLoad logid_, False, filename, errs
End Sub
' Update log table record added in logLoadInit
Private Sub logLoad(logID As Variant, _
isloaded As Boolean, _
filename As String, _
errs As Collection)
Dim info As New Dictionary
Dim er As Variant, strErrs As String
Dim ks As Variant, k As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_
' TODO raise error?
If log_ Is Nothing Then GoTo Exit_
If IsNull(logID) Then GoTo Exit_
For Each er In errs
strErrs = strErrs & IIf(Len(strErrs) = 0, "", vbCrLf) & CStr(er)
Next Er
With info
.add "loadTime", Now
.add "loadBy", CurrentUser
.add "loadRecs", nrecs
.add "loadSuccess", isloaded
.add "loadErrs", strErrs
.add "origPath", filename
End With
log_.FindFirst "[logID]=" & Nz(logID)
If log_.NoMatch Then
'TODO raise error
ks = info.Keys
For Each k In ks
log_.Fields(k).Value = info(k)
Next k
End If
Exit Sub
' runtime error handling done here, code omitted
Resume Exit_
End Sub
' Class DAOExt
' append to recordset from Dictionary, return autonumber id of new record
Public Function appendFromHash(rst As DAO.Recordset, _
rec As Dictionary, _
Optional map As Dictionary, _
Optional wrk As DAO.workspace) As Long
Dim flds() As Variant, vals() As Variant, ifld As Long, k As Variant
Dim f As DAO.Field, rst_id As DAO.Recordset
Dim isInTrans As Boolean, isPersistWrk As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_
' set up map (code omitted here)
For Each k In rec.Keys
If Not map.Exists(CStr(k)) Then _
Err.Raise 3265, "appendFromHash", "No field mapping found for [" & CStr(k) & "]"
flds(ifld) = map(CStr(k))
vals(ifld) = rec(CStr(k))
ifld = ifld + 1
Next k
If wrk Is Nothing Then
isPersistWrk = False
Set wrk = DBEngine(0)
End If
isInTrans = True
With rst
For ifld = 0 To UBound(flds)
.Fields(flds(ifld)).Value = vals(ifld)
Next ifld
End With
Set rst_id = wrk(0).OpenRecordset("SELECT @@Identity", DAO.dbOpenForwardOnly, DAO.dbReadOnly)
appendFromHash = rst_id.Fields(0).Value
isInTrans = False
On Error GoTo 0
If isInTrans And Not wrk Is Nothing Then wrk.Rollback
If Not isPersistWrk Then Set wrk = Nothing
Exit Function
' runtime error handling, code omitted here
Resume Exit_
End Function
' Class DAOSession (the part that deals with the workspace and dbase connections)
Private wrk_ As DAO.workspace
Private connects_ As New Dictionary
Private dbs_ As New Dictionary
Public Property Get workspace() As DAO.workspace
If wrk_ Is Nothing Then
If DBEngine.Workspaces.Count > 0 Then
Set wrk_ = DBEngine(0)
End If
End If
Set workspace = wrk_
End Property
Public Property Get connectionTo(dbname As String) As DAO.database
connectTo dbname
Set connectionTo = connects_(dbname)
End Property
Public Sub connectTo(dbname As String)
Dim Cancel As Integer
Dim cnn As DAO.database
Dim opts As Dictionary
Cancel = False
' if already connected, use cached reference
If connects_.Exists(dbname) Then GoTo Exit_
If wrk_ Is Nothing Then _
Set wrk_ = DBEngine(0)
' note opts is a dictionary of connection options, code omitted here
Set cnn = wrk_.OpenDatabase(dbs_(dbname), _
CInt(opts("DAO.OPTIONS")), _
CBool(opts("DAO.READONLY")), _
' Cache reference to dbase connection
connects_.Add dbname, cnn
Set cnn = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub