现在是夏天,一个新项目已经开始,目标是为 Whitespace 0.3 重写解释器和汇编器,之后会有进一步的发展。由于比以前有更多的时间来设计它,因此这里为您提供了一个大纲,该大纲为汇编语言提供了一组经过修改的助记符。这篇文章被标记为 wiki 供他们讨论。
堆栈操作是更常见的操作之一,因此 IMP [Space] 很短。有四个堆栈指令。
hold N Push the number onto the stack
copy Duplicate the top item on the stack
copy N Copy the nth item on the stack (given by the argument) onto the top of the stack
swap Swap the top two items on the stack
drop Discard the top item on the stack
drop N Slide n items off the stack, keeping the top item
add Addition
sub Subtraction
mul Multiplication
div Integer Division
mod Modulo
save Store
load Retrieve
流量控制 (IMP: [LF])
流量控制操作也很常见。子程序由标签标记,以及条件和无条件跳转的目标,通过这些标签可以实现循环。程序必须通过 [LF][LF][LF] 结束,这样解释器才能干净地退出。
L: Mark a location in the program
call L Call a subroutine
goto L Jump unconditionally to a label
if=0 L Jump to a label if the top of the stack is zero
if<0 L Jump to a label if the top of the stack is negative
return End a subroutine and transfer control back to the caller
halt End the program
I/O (IMP: [Tab][LF])
最后,我们需要能够与用户交互。有读写数字和单个字符的 IO 指令。有了这些,可以编写字符串操作例程。读取指令从栈顶获取存储结果的堆地址。
print chr Output the character at the top of the stack
print int Output the number at the top of the stack
input chr Read a character and place it in the location given by the top of the stack
input int Read a number and place it in the location given by the top of the stack