I am trying to set up lwIP simulation on Windows 7.
I have downloaded current version of lwIP and contrib files (v1.4.1), upgraded .sln and .vcproj(s) to MSVC 2013, download WinPcap 4.1.1. I have set up lwipcfg_msvc.h (IP address, MAC address, PACKET_LIB_ADAPTER_NR, LWIP_HTTPD_APP (sample of http server)) and run project lwip_test. But can't see any result in browser. I have also tried set up another IP address than my computer's local address, but with no luck.
Than I tried this project http://interactive.freertos.org/entries/20290712-FreeRTOS-Win32-project-with-lwIP-web-server, which is also not working for me.
Thanks for any suggestions.