

var urlString = "http://somehost:9090/cars;color=red;make=Tesla?page=1&perPage=10"

我想要一些 javascript(节点)库,我可以使用它来获取汽车路径段的矩阵参数(颜色和品牌),例如:

var url = URL.parse(urlString)


  "color": "red",
  "make": "Tesla"


这些参数(以及一堆有关 url 的其他有用信息)在以下文章中进行了更详细的描述:




2 回答 2


我找到了 URI.js。但是,如果您不想使用该库,我认为此功能将满足您的需求(不太确定decodeURIComponent):

var urlString = "http://somehost:9090/cars;color=red;make=Tesla?page=1&perPage=10"

var getParams = function (urlString) {
    return decodeURIComponent(urlString) // decode the URL (?)
            // the regex looks for a slash that is NOT
            // followed by at least one character and eventually another slash
            // given var urlString = "http://somehost:9090/cars;color=red;make=Tesla?page=1&perPage=10"
            // we don't want        -------^              ^                         ^
            // we want this slash                   ------|                         |
            // all the way until this question mark --------------------------------|
            // regex explanation:
                \/                  first slash
                (                   open capturing group
                    (?!             lookbehind for NOT
                        .+\/        any character followed by a slash (/)
                    .+              capture one or more characters (greedy) past
                )                   the close of the capturing group and until
                \?                  a question mark
        [1] // match will return two groups, which will look like:
            // ["/cars;color=red;make=Tesla?", "cars;color=red;make=Tesla"]
            // we want the second one (otherwise we'd have to .slice(1,-1) the string)
            // split it at the semicolons
            // if you know you're always going to have "name" followed by a semicolon,
            // you might consider using .slice(1) on this part, so you can get rid of 
            // the if statement below (still keep the p[c[0]] = c[1] part though )
        .reduce(function (p, c) {
            // split it at the equals sign for a key/value in indices 0 and 1
            c = c.split("=");
            // if the length is greater than one, aka we have a key AND a value
            // e.g., c == ["color", "red"]
            if (c.length > 1) {
                // give the previous object a key of c[0] equal to c[1]
                // i.e., p["color"] = "red"
                p[c[0]] = c[1];
            return p; // return p, so that we can keep adding keys to the object
        }, {}); // we pass an object, which will act as p on the first call

console.log(getParams(urlString));  // { color: "red", make: "Tesla" }


urlString.split("?")[0].split("/").pop().split(";").reduce( /* etc */)


于 2015-03-12T06:56:54.903 回答

我最近写了一个用于解析矩阵参数的 Node.js 中间件。我已经指定了它遵循的规则以及它生成的输出格式。

例如,这就是您的 app.js 的样子:

let app = require ('express') (),
  matrixParser = require ('matrix-parser');

app.use (matrixParser ());

app.get ('/cars*', (req, res) => {
  //notice the asterisk after '/cars'
  console.log (JSON.stringify (req.matrix, null, 2));
  res.send ('Thanks=)');

app.listen (9090);

你的 URI 看起来像:


然后,您可以使用 curl 测试矩阵解析器功能,例如:

curl "http://localhost:9090/cars;color=red;make=Tesla?page=1&perPage=10"


    "segment": "cars",
    "matrix": {
      "color": "red",
      "make": "Tesla"

查询字符串 (page, per_page) 保持不变(您可以通过简单地编写来查看req.query


这是回购: https ://github.com/duaraghav8/matrix-parser

npm install matrix-parser

编辑:很抱歉之前没有提供更详细的代码答案,这是我对 SO 的第一个贡献,我需要一些时间来掌握它。

于 2016-07-16T11:03:26.473 回答