I have the following code in a jest based test:
it('will show the hero loop if there is one', function() {
var React = require('react/addons');
var ShowsDetailHeader = require('../../../../routes/shows/components/ShowsDetailHeader.jsx');
var mockData = require('../../../../mock/episodeDetailData');
mockData.data.show.assets._webHeroVideoUrl = 'https://test.video.com';
var Subject = require('../../../../mock/stubRouterContext')(ShowsDetailHeader, {
show: mockData.data.show
var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
var showsHeader = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<Subject />
showVideo: true
var videoClass = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(showsHeader, 'flex-video').getDOMNode().getAttribute('class');
My previous test tests the initial state of the component. I now want to call setState to check the component after a state change. The videoClass i'm logging here stays the same. I am on react 0.12. and latest jest 0.4.0.
Any ideas on how to test what happens after set state?