select cust_no,cust_name,sum(bvtotal) as Amount
from sales_history_header
where cust_no is not null and number is not null and bvtotal > 1000 and in_date < 20140101
group by cust_no,cust_name
order by sum(bvtotal) desc;
如何排除那些在子结果中有 in_date > 20140101 的组结果?
我的这个查询也在获取那些 in_date > 20140101 的结果
难道我做错了什么 ?
cust_no cust_name amount
A a1 500
B b1 500
C c1 1000
我想用 cust_no 'A' 排除这条记录,因为它在 20140202 中有与 in_date 的交易
cust_no cust_name amount in_date
A a1 100 20130203
A a1 400 20130101
A a1 1000 20140503