我想使用 Asp.Net 设置某些单元格的颜色。假设,如果我的薪水金额大于 20000,则特定单元格的颜色将为红色,其中薪水 > 20000 。其他单元格也是如此。我正在从数据库中获取完整数据,最后使用 closedXML dll 将数据导出到 excel 文件中。我的所有数据都存储在 excel 文件中,但要求已满。
它是我生成 excel 的代码(在 Vb.Net 中)
Public Sub GenerateExcel(ByVal DTExcel As DataTable, ByVal sFolder As String, ByVal email As String)
Dim filepathemail As String = "", cntCol As Integer = 0, cntrow As Integer = 0, k As Integer = 0
If DTExcel.Rows.Count > 0 Then
' string Sallary= ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Sallary"].ToString();
Dim Excel As New XLWorkbook()
If Sallary > 20000 Then
//Here need to change the color of that cell (How to find cell)
End if
Dim worksheet = Excel.Worksheets.Add("Longcode SMS Log Report")
worksheet.Cell(1, 1).InsertTable(DTExcel, True)
worksheet.Cell("A1").SetValue("Longcode SMS Log Report").Style.Font.FontName = "Calibri"
worksheet.Cell("A1").Style.Font.Bold = True
worksheet.Cell("A1").Style.Font.FontSize = 14
worksheet.Cell("A2").SetValue("Report Date : " & Format(ReportDate, "dd/MM/yyyy ")).Style.Font.FontName = "Calibri"
worksheet.Cell("A2").Style.Font.Bold = True
worksheet.Cell("A2").Style.Font.FontSize = 13
Dim dttime As DateTime = DateTime.Now
dttime = dttime.AddDays(-1)
Dim hr As String = dttime.Hour
Dim day As String = dttime.Day
Dim mon As String = dttime.Month
Dim yr As String = dttime.Year
Dim dirPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Reports\" & sFolder
If Not Directory.Exists(dirPath) Then
End If
filepathemail = IO.Path.Combine(dirPath, "Longcode SMS Log Report_" & day & mon & yr & "_" + ".xlsx")
Dim filepath As String = filepathemail