I want to know if there are some predefined functions to get those two tests results as a boolean in BOOST, then i will put the code (in an UPDATE).
1- if graph g1 is a subgraph of g2 (by giving g1 and g2 as a function parameter).
here http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/graph/doc/subgraph.html subgraph is used as a class not a function.
2- graph g connectivity (by giving g as a function parameter).
In the official documentation here http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/graph/doc/connected_components.html I found that connected_components function computes how many connected components are in the graph, and assigning each component an integer label. The algorithm then records which component each vertex in the graph belongs to by recording the component number in the component property map.