I am dicomizing digitized ECG data and I want to set the waveform tag's VR value as OW but in default clearcanvas set the tag's VR value to OB

The VR value is readonly in clearcanvas library.

Is there anyway to force clearcanvas library set the VR value of Waveform tag (5400,1010) to OW. I think it is a bug in clearcanvas. According to the docs in Nema, VR tag should be set to OW to encode the waveform data in words.

Thank you for helps.


1 回答 1


DicomTag你可以用不同的 VR创建一个新的。


DicomAttribute aOriginal = new DicomAttributeOB(DicomTags.WaveformData);
DicomTag aBase = aOriginal.Tag;
DicomTag aWaveformDataTag = new DicomTag(DicomTags.WaveformData, aBase.Name, aBase.VariableName, DicomVr.OWvr, aBase.MultiVR, aBase.VMLow, aBase.VMHigh, aBase.Retired);

myDataSet[aWaveformDataTag].Values = myWaveformDataValues;
于 2015-03-10T13:52:20.810 回答