如何获取刚刚上传的 Youtube 电影的视频 ID?


$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient);
// create a new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry object
$myVideoEntry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry();

// create a new Zend_Gdata_App_MediaFileSource object
$filesource = $yt->newMediaFileSource('mytestmovie.mov');
// set slug header

// add the filesource to the video entry

$myVideoEntry->setVideoTitle('My Test Movie');
$myVideoEntry->setVideoDescription('My Test Movie');
$myVideoEntry->setVideoCategory('Comedy'); // Note that category must be a valid YouTube category !

// set keywords, please note that this must be a comma separated string
// and that each keyword cannot contain whitespace
$myVideoEntry->setVideoTags('cars, funny');

// upload URI for the currently authenticated user
$uploadUrl = 'http://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads';

// try to upload the video, catching a Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException if available
// or just a regular Zend_Gdata_App_Exception
try {
  $newEntry = $yt->insertEntry($myVideoEntry, $uploadUrl, 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry');
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
  echo $httpException->getRawResponseBody();
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();




1 回答 1


正如您在获取此代码的页面上所见,正下方$newEntry->getVideoId()将包含 ID。然后,您可以检查其状态(已上传、已处理):

// Assuming that $newEntry is the object that was returned during the upload
$state = $newEntry->getVideoState();

if ($state) {
  echo 'Upload status for video ID ' . $newEntry->getVideoId() . ' is ' .
    $state->getName() . ' - ' . $state->getText() . "\n";
  } else {
    echo "Not able to retrieve the video status information yet. " . 
      "Please try again later.\n";
于 2010-05-24T09:04:44.480 回答