I intend to pass multiple file-URIs/Paths to my Activity using intent. I have the necessary code in place (i.e. SEND_MULTIPLE in Manifest and getIntent() in Activity) and I am able to get the file-list from the intent in my Activity. However, this file-list is sorted in alphabetical order and not in the same order as I selected my files from Gallery.

Is there a way to get the file-list in same order as I select the files in Gallery?


1 回答 1


恐怕告诉你,似乎没有办法确保使用Intent. 这就是为什么你必须自己做。

我建议您创建一个Parcelable包含两件事的对象(int order,String url)。然后Parcelable使用 发送对象列表intent。然后在使用属性comparator检索这些对象后实现一个简单的排序order

于 2015-03-10T06:13:59.990 回答