我在这里找到了问题的可能解决方案:http: //youtu.be/71Vc9QiraQE
我自己不是 power shell 用户,不能完全遵循脚本中的代码。
function Get-WindowsKey {
## function to retrieve the Windows Product Key from any PC
param ($targets = ".")
$hklm = 2147483650
$regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
$regValue = "DigitalProductId"
Foreach ($target in $targets) {
$productKey = $null
$win32os = $null
$wmi = [WMIClass]"\\$target\root\default:stdRegProv"
$data = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($hklm,$regPath,$regValue)
$binArray = ($data.uValue)[52..66]
$charsArray = "B","C","D","E","F","G","H","J","K","M","P","Q","R","T","V","W","X","Y","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"
## decrypt base24 encoded binary data
For ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$k = 0
For ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) {
$k = $k * 256 -bxor $binArray[$j]
$binArray[$j] = [math]::truncate($k / 24)
$k = $k % 24
$productKey = $charsArray[$k] + $productKey
If (($i % 5 -eq 0) -and ($i -ne 0)) {
$productKey = "-" + $productKey
$win32os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $target
$obj = New-Object Object
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty Computer -value $target
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty Caption -value $win32os.Caption
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty CSDVersion -value $win32os.CSDVersion
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty OSArch -value $win32os.OSArchitecture
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty BuildNumber -value $win32os.BuildNumber
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty RegisteredTo -value $win32os.RegisteredUser
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty ProductID -value $win32os.SerialNumber
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty ProductKey -value $productkey
Windows PowerShell 中使用的第一个命令:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
如果第一个脚本不起作用,请尝试以下操作: 我可以使用它获取我的密钥,但我必须修复脚本,将最后一行更改为:
function Get-WindowsKey {
# ...
Get-WindowsKey localhost