所以我对这个 Python 东西真的很陌生,我正在使用 JES 并试图弄清楚如何裁剪图像。我不断收到“显示(裁剪图片)”无效的错误消息,此时我可以使用我能获得的任何帮助。到目前为止,这是我的代码:
def main():
print "Select the Media Folder"
print "Select the picture (.jpg) file to crop"
fileName = pickAFile()
pict = makePicture(fileName)
startX = requestIntegerInRange("Enter X coordinate of upper, left-hand corner",0,getWidth(pict)-1)
startY = requestIntegerInRange("Enter Y coordinate of upper, left-hand corner",0,getHeight(pict)-1)
endX = requestIntegerInRange("Enter X coordinate of lower, right-hand corner",startX,getWidth(pict)-1)
endY = requestIntegerInRange("Enter Y coordinate of lower, right-hand corner",startY,getHeight(pict)-1)
print "Please wait while picture is cropped from (",startX,",",startY,") to (",endX,",",endY,")."
croppedPicture = makeCroppedPicture(pict, startX, startY, endX, endY)
newFileName = getMediaPath('croppedPicture.jpg')
writePictureTo(croppedPicture, newFileName)
def makeCroppedPicture(pict, startX, startY, endX, endY):
""" Makes and returns a cropped rectangular region of a picture into a new picture """
target = makeEmptyPicture
def crop(picture):
def crop(picture):
width = getWidth(pict)
height = getHeight(pict)
canvas = makeEmptyPicture(width, height)
targetX = 100
for sourceX in range(100,30):
targetY = 100
for sourceY in range(311,433):
color = getColor(getPixel(pict, sourceX, sourceY))
setColor(getPixel(canvas, targetX, targetY),color)
targetY = targetY + 1
targetX = targetX + 1
return canvas
return target # returns the cropped picture
main() # starts the program