下面的代码是将一个 C++ 类绑定到 Lua。
void registerPerson(lua_State *lua, Person *person)
//We assume that the person is a valid pointer
Person **pptr = (Person**)lua_newuserdata(lua, sizeof(Person*));
*pptr = person; //Store the pointer in userdata. You must take care to ensure
//the pointer is valid entire time Lua has access to it.
if (luaL_newmetatable(lua, "PersonMetaTable")) //This is important. Since you
//may invoke it many times, you should check, whether the table is newly
//created or it already exists
//The table is newly created, so we register its functions
lua_pushvalue(lua, -1);
lua_setfield(lua, -2, "__index");
luaL_Reg personFunctions[] = {
"getAge", lua_Person_getAge,
nullptr, nullptr
luaL_register(lua, 0, personFunctions);
lua_setmetatable(lua, -2);
上面的代码来自对这个问题的回答。它将一个 C++ 类(Person)绑定到 Lua。如您所见,此功能
使用名为“PersonMetaTable”的 luaL_newmetatable 创建一个元表,现在元表应该在堆栈的顶部。
lua_pushvalue(lua, -1);