1.计算假设 h = X * theta
2.计算损失 = h - y 可能是平方成本 (loss^2)/2m
3.计算梯度 = X' * loss / m
4.更新参数theta = theta - alpha * gradient
double loss, cost, hypothesis;
int p, iteration;
iteration = 0;
cost = 0.0;
//loop through all instances (complete one epoch)
for (p = 0; p < number_of_files__train; p++)
hypothesis = calculateHypothesis( weights, feature_matrix__train, p, globo_dict_size );
loss = outputs__train[p] - hypothesis;
for (int i = 0; i < globo_dict_size; i++)
weights[i] += LEARNING_RATE * loss * feature_matrix__train[p][i] * calculateGradent( weights, i, number_of_files__train, loss );
//summation of squared error (error value for all instances)
cost += (loss*loss);
cost = cost/(2 * number_of_files__train);
while(cost != 0 && iteration<=MAX_ITER);
static double calculateHypothesis( double weights[], double[][] feature_matrix, int file_index, int globo_dict_size )
//# m denotes the number of examples here, not the number of features
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < globo_dict_size; i++)
sum += ( weights[i] * feature_matrix[file_index][i] );
sum += weights[ globo_dict_size ];
return sigmoid(sum);
private static double sigmoid(double x)
return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x));
static double calculateGradent( double weights[], int i, int number_of_files__train, double loss )
return weights[i] * loss / number_of_files__train;