Java新手。我想使用记录器,但使用不同的文件持久性方案。我希望在基于时间的文件系统层次结构中创建日志,而不是旋转文件和覆盖,其中日志文件包含过去一分钟的日志:示例:如果在 2015-03-08 13:05 生成日志,它将被放置在 /home/myUser/logs/2015/03/08/13 下的 log_05.txt 中,换句话说,文件完整路径将是 /home/myUser/logs/2015/03/08/13/log_05。文本。
Java新手。我想使用记录器,但使用不同的文件持久性方案。我希望在基于时间的文件系统层次结构中创建日志,而不是旋转文件和覆盖,其中日志文件包含过去一分钟的日志:示例:如果在 2015-03-08 13:05 生成日志,它将被放置在 /home/myUser/logs/2015/03/08/13 下的 log_05.txt 中,换句话说,文件完整路径将是 /home/myUser/logs/2015/03/08/13/log_05。文本。
我最终实现了一个库。在 Linux 和 Windows 上测试。它提供了所需的文件持久性方案,并允许异步日志记录。不胜感激。
package com.signin.ems;
* The EMSLogger JAR wraps the Java Logger for two purposes:
* 1. Implement a custom file persistence scheme (other than a single file, or a rotating scheme).
* In particular, the scheme implemented is one minute files, placed in hourly directories.
* The file name format is <mm>.log (mm=00..59), and the directory name format is YYYYMMDD24HH.
* 2. Logging should be done asynchronously. For this, a dedicated thread is created. When a message is logged,
* the LogRecord is placed in a BlockingQueue instead of writing the LogRecord to file. The dedicated thread
* performs a blocking wait on the queue. Upon retrieving a LogRecord object, it writes the LogRecord to the
* proper file
public class EMSLogger
private static final int m_iQueSize = 100000;
private static BlockingQueue<LogRecord> m_LogRecordQueue;
private static EMSLoggerThread m_EMSLoggerThread;
private static Thread m_thread;
private static final Logger m_instance = createInstance();
protected EMSLogger()
public static Logger getInstance() {
return m_instance;
private static Logger createInstance()
MyFileHandler fileHandler = null;
Logger LOGGER = null;
// initialize the Log queue
m_LogRecordQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<LogRecord>(m_iQueSize);
// get top level logger
LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("");
// create our file handler
fileHandler = new MyFileHandler(m_LogRecordQueue);
// create the logging thread
m_EMSLoggerThread = new EMSLoggerThread(m_LogRecordQueue, fileHandler);
m_thread = new Thread(m_EMSLoggerThread);
catch (IOException e)
return LOGGER;
public static void Terminate ()
public class MyFileHandler extends FileHandler
private final BlockingQueue<LogRecord> m_queue;
private BufferedOutputStream m_BufferedOutputStream;
private String m_RootFolderName;
private String m_CurrentDirectoryName;
private String m_CurrentFileName;
private SimpleDateFormat m_SDfh;
private SimpleDateFormat m_SDfm;
public MyFileHandler (BlockingQueue<LogRecord> q) throws IOException, SecurityException
super ();
// use simple formatter. Do not use the default XML
super.setFormatter (new SimpleFormatter ());
// get root folder from which to create the log directory hierarchy
m_RootFolderName = System.getProperty ("user.home") + "/logs";
// Service can optionally set its name. All hourly directories will
// be created below the provided name. If no name is given, "Default"
// is used
String sName = System.getProperty ("EMS.ServiceName");
if (sName != null)
System.out.println ("EMS.ServiceName = " + sName);
sName = "Default";
System.out.println ("Using \"" + sName + "\" as service name");
m_RootFolderName += "/" + sName;
// make sure the root folder is created
new File (m_RootFolderName).mkdirs ();
// initialize format objects
m_SDfh = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyyMMddHH");
m_SDfm = new SimpleDateFormat ("mm");
m_CurrentDirectoryName = "";
m_CurrentFileName = "";
m_BufferedOutputStream = null;
m_queue = q;
// post the record the the queue. Actual writing to the log is done in a dedicated thread
// note that placing in the queue is done without blocking while waiting for available space
public void publish (LogRecord record)
m_queue.offer (record);
// check if a new file needs to be created
private void SetCurrentFile ()
boolean bChangeFile = false;
Date d = new Date (System.currentTimeMillis());
String newDirectory = m_RootFolderName + "/" + m_SDfh.format(d);
String newFile = m_SDfm.format(d);
if (!newDirectory.equals(m_CurrentDirectoryName))
// need to create a new directory and a new file
m_CurrentDirectoryName = newDirectory;
new File(m_CurrentDirectoryName).mkdirs();
bChangeFile = true;
if (!newFile.equals(m_CurrentFileName))
// need to create a new file
m_CurrentFileName = newFile;
bChangeFile = true;
if (bChangeFile)
if (m_BufferedOutputStream != null)
m_BufferedOutputStream.close ();
System.out.println("Creating File: " + m_CurrentDirectoryName + "/" + m_CurrentFileName + ".log");
m_BufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream
(new FileOutputStream (m_CurrentDirectoryName + "/" + m_CurrentFileName + ".log", true),2048);
catch (IOException e)
// method _published is called from the dedicated thread
public void _publish(LogRecord record)
// check if a new file needs to be created
SetCurrentFile ();
class EMSLoggerThread implements Runnable
private final BlockingQueue<LogRecord> m_queue;
private final MyFileHandler m_MyFileHandler;
// Constructor
EMSLoggerThread(BlockingQueue<LogRecord> q, MyFileHandler fh)
m_queue = q;
m_MyFileHandler = fh;
public void run()
while (true)
catch (InterruptedException ex)
这在如何使用 java util logging framework 以特定格式为每个记录创建日志文件中进行了介绍。您必须修改这些示例以创建目录,因为FileHandler 不会创建目录。如果要创建异步处理程序,则应遵循Using java.util.logger with a separate thread to write on file 中的建议。