我对您对 Scala 效率的看法很感兴趣。似乎 Scala(和其他函数式编程语言)以效率换取代码编写效率。下面的程序包含对 Scala 程序的测试,该程序包含纯函数式方法和更经典的 C++ 方法风格的插入排序。
从输出中可以看出,函数式风格的效率比 C++ 风格低一个数量级。我可以对功能样式进行改进吗?
package Algorithms
case object Sorter {
def mutableInsertSort(a: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] = {
var ar = a.toArray
for (j<-1 to ar.size - 1) {
val k = ar(j)
var i = j
while ((i>0) && (ar(i-1)) > k) {
ar(i) = ar(i-1)
i = i - 1
ar(i) = k
def insertSort(a: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] = {
def immutableInsertSort(target: Vector[Int], i: Int): Vector[Int] = {
if (i == target.size) target
else {
val split = target.splitAt(i) // immutable overhead
val sorted = split._1.takeWhile(x=>x<target(i))
val newTarget = sorted ++ Vector(target(i)) ++ split._1.slice(sorted.size, split._1.size) ++ split._2.tail //last two segments are immutable overheads
immutableInsertSort(newTarget, i + 1) //immutable overhead
immutableInsertSort(a, 1)
object Sorting extends App {
val a = (1 to 1000).toVector.map(x=>(math.random*2000).toInt)
val t1 = System.nanoTime
println ("I" + (System.nanoTime - t1))
val t2 = System.nanoTime
println ("M" + (System.nanoTime - t2))