I'm creating an Application to show and hide "Viber Images" folder of Viber App which is located in /viber/media/. I know I should delete and create .nomedia file in that folder and then force media scanner to scan that.
when I send a broadcast or statically using MediaScannerConnection to rescan that folder takes more than a quarter for gallery to update that folder.
I tried:
String dir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()+"/viber/media/Viber Images/";
File f = new File(dir);
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(f);
Intent in = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED,uri);
But it's not updating the media scanner because folder is being showed in the gallery.
and I also tried:
MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(MainActivity.this, new String[{"/storage/sdcard0/viber/media/Viber Images/"}, null, new MediaScannerConnection.OnScanCompletedListener() {
public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) {
Log.d("file",path+" scanned");
Log.d("url","uri = "+uri);
and the logcat shows:
03-07 15:42:10.180: D/MediaScannerConnection(15267): Connected to MediaScanner
03-07 15:42:10.180: D/MediaScannerConnection(15267): Scanning file 7klwibgf7kdcbid(7mrafi7vfdrb7
03-07 15:42:10.670: D/file(15267): /storage/sdcard0/viber/media/Viber Images/ scanned
03-07 15:42:10.670: D/url(15267): uri = content://media/external/file/130512
03-07 15:42:10.670: D/MediaScannerConnection(15267): Disconnecting from MediaScanner
it seems it's updating the media scanner database But cannot effect gallery app to update its content. there is a free app called nomedia in playstore which does exactly what I want in my phone But my codes not working.
is there any method or built-in class to do so? or are there any ways to do so programmatically?
sorry for my bad english.
any answer appreciated.