I have followed instructions to create an .ipk file, the Packages.gz and host them on a web server as a repo. I have set the opkg.conf in my other VM to point to this repo. The other VM is able to update and list the contents of repositories successfully.

But, when I try to install, I get this message. Can you please describe why I am getting this and what needs to be changed?

Collected errors:
 * wfopen: /etc/repo/d1/something.py: No such file or directory
 * wfopen: /etc/repo/d1/something-else.py: No such file or directory

While creating the .ipk, I had created a folder named data that had a file structure as /etc/repo/d1/ with the file something.py stored at d1 location. I zipped that folder to data.tar.gz. And, then together with control.tar.gz and 'debian-binary`, I created the .ipk.

I followed instructions from here: http://bitsum.com/creating_ipk_packages.htm http://www.jumpnowtek.com/yocto/Managing-a-private-opkg-repository.html http://www.jumpnowtek.com/yocto/Using-your-build-workstation-as-a-remote-package-repository.html


1 回答 1


很可能/etc/repo/d1/目标系统上不存在被调用的目录。如果您手动创建文件夹,然后再次尝试安装,它可能不会失败。我不确定如何强制 opkg 自行创建空目录:/

更新: 您可以使用preinst脚本解决此问题。只需在其上创建缺少的目录,如下所示:


mkdir -p /etc/repo/d1/

# always return 0 if success
exit 0
于 2015-11-08T16:23:36.303 回答