
Let's supose I have a UIImageView at y=10 while the screen is height:100.

What constraints do I have to set if I want the image to be always for example at y:10% of the parent? Parent height:100 - UIImage y:10 Parent height:200 - UIImage y:20 Parent height:320 - UIImage y:32

Is there a way to do this without coding? (only constraints in Interface Builder)? Hint: before autolayout this was really easy.



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  1. 将一个隐藏UIView在您的父视图中,顶部间距为 0 到它的父视图。
  2. 使隐藏UIView的高度与父视图的高度相等,乘数为 0.1,因此它始终是父视图高度的 10%。
  3. 使您UIImageView的隐藏顶部间距为 0 UIView

这应该使您的UIImageViewy 位置始终为父视图高度的 1/10。

于 2015-03-06T15:34:27.733 回答