I am getting following error when trying to run an application on a Windows Server 2008 on Terminal Server:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {abcdef} failed due to the following error: 80040154

I connect via remote to the Terminal Server and to the Terminal Server one requiered .dll is "passed".

I tried several things, like compiling one version of the application in x86, trying to register the interop dll etc. but nothing works. In the end I tried one Version which works on a customers Server but the same problem. At client site, there are entries in the registry under



xx is the name of the applicaction at server side there is no entry. Maybe it is just an wrong or missing configuration on terminal server? Both, client and server are running on virtual machines. Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Some links i followed: same error DCOMCNFG


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