
I run snmptrapd and can see incoming trap, when send trap via snmptrap

snmptrap -c public -v 2c localhost "" s "Aliens here"

But I no have trap, when send via Perl script

use SNMP;

$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => '', RemotePort => "162" );

$sess->trap(enterprise=>'.', # or 'ucdavis' [default]
                agent => '', # or 'localhost',[dflt 1st intf on host]
                generic => specific,  # can be omitted if 'specific' supplied
                specific => 5,        # can be omitted if 'generic' supplied
                uptime => 1234,       # dflt to localhost uptime (0 on win32)
                [[ifIndex, 1, 1],[sysLocation, 0, "here"]]);

What's wrong?


1 回答 1


您的第二个版本,即 perl 版本没有指定社区或版本,与第一个不同。尝试添加它们

$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => '', 
                                      RemotePort => "162",
                                      Community => "public,
                                      Version => 2);

另请参阅http://www.remothelast.altervista.org/SNMP_Perl.htmlhttp://www.net-snmp.org/docs/perl-SNMP-README.html以了解 SNMP::Session 用法。

于 2015-03-06T10:58:13.323 回答