
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[my_storedproc]
  @param1 int, @param2 varchar(100)


-- Method #1:
declare @param1 int = 1
declare @param2 varchar(100) = 'hello'  
exec my_storedproc @param1, @param2

-- Method #2:  
exec my_storedproc @param1=1, @param2='hello'

-- Method #3:  
declare @param1 int = 1
declare @param2 varchar(100) = 'hello'  
declare @procname nvarchar(100) = N'my_storedproc @param1, @param2'
declare @params nvarchar(4000) = N'@param1 int, @param2 varchar(100)'  
exec sp_executesql @procname, @params, @param1, @param2

-- Method #4:  
declare @procname nvarchar(4000) = N'my_storedproc @param1=1, @param2=''hello'''
exec sp_executesql @procname

-- Method #5:  
declare @procname nvarchar(4000) = N'my_storedproc 1, ''hello'''
exec sp_executesql @procname

-- Method #6:  
declare @procname nvarchar(4000) = N'my_storedproc 1, ''hello'''
exec (@procname)

“你为什么要问?” 你问?我试图找到一种方法来完全基于元数据执行存储过程,控制存储过程将物理执行所有其他配置的(在元数据中)存储过程,除了元数据中定义的内容外,对它们一无所知。在这个控制器 SP 中,我无法(在任何实际意义上)知道并声明每个可能必须调用的存储过程所需的特定物理参数(及其所需的数据类型)——我正在尝试找到一种方法来执行它们完全通用,同时仍希望保持良好的性能(重用查询计划等)。


1 回答 1


There really shouldn't be a performance difference between the 6 options since they are all executing the stored procedure and not any SQL statements directly.

However, there is no better indication of performance than testing this on your own system. You already have the 6 test cases so it shouldn't be hard to try each one.

Within this controller SP, I cannot (in any practical sense) know and declare the specific physical parameters (with their required data types) required for every possible stored proc that might have to be called

Why not? I don't see why you couldn't dynamically generate the SQL for Methods 2 and 3 based on the output of either of the following queries:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(sp.[object_id]), *
FROM   sys.parameters sp
WHERE  sp.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.my_storedproc');

SELECT isp.*
WHERE  isp.[SPECIFIC_NAME] = N'my_storedproc'
AND    isp.[SPECIFIC_SCHEMA] = N'dbo';

And with that info, you could create a table to contain the various parameter values for each parameter for each proc. In fact, you could even set it up to have some parameters with "global" values for all variations and then some parameter values are variations for a particular proc.

于 2015-03-11T19:40:45.167 回答