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您可以在此页面看到错误:http ://www.hbprojectsltd.co.uk/testimonials


1 回答 1




请参见此处(第 97 - 110 行):

  <blockquote class="testiquote">I have worked with HB Projects for circa 10 years although the company has worked for ASDA for significantly longer than that. HB are a mainstay of the ASDA Construction supplier base and have a turnover with us of circa £20m p.a. I have always found
    the team at HB Projects to be proactive, innovative and forward thinking. The quality of their work is always of a high standard and they always deliver on time and to cost. Snagging is resolved quickly and efficiently. Colleagues and Management undergo
    rigorous training and can be trusted to ensure individuals have appropriate qualifications for the level of work involved.
    <br />
    <br />I would be happy to give my full endorsement to HB Projects to undertake any schemes you have planned. I can confirm they have the skill-set to undertake all facets of construction work, from design to build and management of your project. I have
    always found the HB team honest and trustworthy. They have helped us deliver our mission to be Britain’s best value retailer and are considered a true partner to ASDA.
  <div class="endtestiquote"></div>
  <div class="quotefrom">
    <p><span class="bluefont bold">Richard Wilson</span>
      <br />Construction Manager, Construction & Facilities, Property & Format Development, Asda House.</p>
  <blockquote class="testiquote">I have worked with HB Projects for circa 10 years although the company has worked for ASDA for significantly longer than that. HB are a mainstay of the ASDA Construction supplier base and have a turnover with us of circa £20m p.a. I have always found
    the team at HB Projects to be proactive, innovative and forward thinking. The quality of their work is always of a high standard and they always deliver on time and to cost. Snagging is resolved quickly and efficiently. Colleagues and Management undergo
    rigorous training and can be trusted to ensure individuals have appropriate qualifications for the level of work involved.
    <br />
    <br />I would be happy to give my full endorsement to HB Projects to undertake any schemes you have planned. I can confirm they have the skill-set to undertake all facets of construction work, from design to build and management of your project. I have
    always found the HB team honest and trustworthy. They have helped us deliver our mission to be Britain’s best value retailer and are considered a true partner to ASDA.
  <div class="endtestiquote"></div>
  <div class="quotefrom">
    <p><span class="bluefont bold">Richard Wilson</span>
      <br />Construction Manager, Construction & Facilities, Property & Format Development, Asda House.</p>


于 2015-03-05T10:03:36.263 回答