我希望使用 RPM 包在 RHEL6 上安装 Tomcat 7,但似乎很难找到将组件安装到其标准 RedHat 位置的 RPM。

有一个简单的社区 RPM 吗?


2 回答 2


What you could do is repackage the tomcat files into your own rpm. These links show where others have attempted that sort of thing:

Interesting, both made the same error. To clarify, here is a fixed version of the former's example:

Summary: tar to rpm sample script
Name: sample
Version: 1.0
Release: 1
License: X11
Source: sample.tar.gz

%global my_target /usr/local/sample

tar to rpm sample script


%setup -q -n %{name}

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{my_target}
cp -p -r . $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{my_target}/




To accomplish this, you would need rpmbuild installed, and create a simple spec-file that (in its %setup section) unpacks your tar-file, and then copies that to the target under $RPM_BUILD_ROOT. The %build section is empty because %setup does all of the work.

Then (with sample.tar.gz in ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES) you could do

rpmbuild -ba sample.spec

and get a usable rpm under ~/rpmbuild/RPMS. (Use rpm -qlp on the package to check it before installing).

于 2015-03-28T00:20:46.230 回答

JPackage项目一直专注于为与 Java 相关的应用程序和库提供 rpm 。


于 2015-08-26T10:46:22.183 回答