我正在制作基于文本的 rpg,但脚本无法正常工作。这与耐力有关。我还有一个任务,取决于你是否拥有一定数量的金币,而该脚本无法正常工作。我将包括图片。
echo Press 1) to harvest
set /p input17=enter:
if %input17%==1 set /a wheat= %wheat% + 5
if %input17%==1 set /a carrots= %carrots% +4
if %input17%==1 set /a stamina= %stamina% - 25 (this line)
if %stamina% < 0 goto nostamina (this line)
echo You get some wheat and some carrots.
echo check your inventory for accurate numbers.
echo Press 1) to go back.
pause >nul
goto insidehouse
echo You are now inside of your house.
echo Press 1) to harvest.
echo Press 2) to sell all crops.
echo Press 3) to go into your inventory.
echo Press 4) to sleep eight hours.
echo Press 5) to check for quests.
set /p input16=enter:
if %input16% EQU 1 goto harvest
if %input16% EQU 2 goto market
if %input16% EQU 3 goto Inventory1
if %input16% EQU 4 goto sleep
if %input16% EQU 5 (and) if %gold% LSS 0 goto shopping (this line)