例如,小提琴波纹管显示 Fruits > Place。我想知道这些地方喜欢多少水果,以及在哪些地方链接了多少水果。所以像:
Mango (3)
Apple (2)
Pineapple (1)
这三个都链接到地方 A,所以地方 A 应该是:
(7) Place A
更新:默认情况下看起来 v42 增加了权重。
例如,小提琴波纹管显示 Fruits > Place。我想知道这些地方喜欢多少水果,以及在哪些地方链接了多少水果。所以像:
Mango (3)
Apple (2)
Pineapple (1)
这三个都链接到地方 A,所以地方 A 应该是:
(7) Place A
更新:默认情况下看起来 v42 增加了权重。
data1 = [
['Apple', 'Place A', 1],
['Apple', 'Place A', 1],
['Grape', 'Place A', 1],
['Grape', 'Place B', 2],
['Pineapple', 'Place A', 1],
['Strawberry', 'Place B', 4],
['Mango', 'Place A', 3]
var sourceTotals = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data1.length; i++) {
var item = data1[i],
key = item[0];
if (sourceTotals.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
sourceTotals[key] += item[2];
else {
sourceTotals[key] = item[2];
var destTotals = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data1.length; i++) {
var item = data1[i],
key = item[1];
if (destTotals.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
destTotals[key] += item[2];
else {
destTotals[key] = item[2];
data1.forEach( function(d) {
d[0] = d[0] + " (" + sourceTotals[d[0]] + ")";
d[1] = "(" + destTotals[d[1]] + ") " + d[1];
如果您使用 d3.js sankey,它将自动对这些值求和并按照此示例将其显示在工具提示中... http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/c9b90689c1438f57d649
假设我有一些带有多级桑基图数据的 arr“图表”
this.chart = {
type: 'Sankey',
title: '',
data: [
[ 'USA', 'Mexico', 15 ],
[ 'USA', 'Brazil', 16 ],
[ 'South America', 'Mexico', 4 ],
[ 'South America', 'Brazil', 4 ],
[ 'Jamaica', 'Mexico', 18 ],
[ 'South Africa', 'Brazil', 2 ],
[ 'England', 'Brazil', 9 ],
[ 'England', 'Mexico', 9 ],
[ 'Mexico', 'Japan', 4 ],
[ 'Mexico', 'North Pole', 4 ],
[ 'China', 'Denmark', 5 ],
[ 'China', 'Canada', 7 ],
[ 'Mexico', 'China', 10 ],
首先删除出现在 sourceTotals 对象中的目标键
for (const key in destTotals) {
if (destTotals.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (sourceTotals.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete sourceTotals[key];
isKeyInObject(query, object) {
for (const key in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(query)) {
return true;
return false;
this.chart.data.forEach( (d) => {
// Check if d[0] key is in source totals
if (this.isKeyInObject(d[0], sourceTotals)) {
d[0] = d[0] + ' (' + sourceTotals[d[0]] + ')';
// check of d[1] key exists in dest totals
if (this.isKeyInObject(d[1], destTotals)) {
d[1] = '(' + destTotals[d[1]] + ') ' + d[1];
// deal with destination keys in source index in original arr
// check if key in position 0 of original chart data is available in destTotals object
// change its name to the name key in destTotals
if (this.isKeyInObject(d[0], destTotals)) {
console.log('POS_ZERO_IN_DEST', d[0]);
d[0] = '(' + destTotals[d[0]] + ') ' + d[0];